Mid-Maryland Basketball League

What is the Mid-Maryland Basketball League?

The Mid-Maryland Basketball League is a competitive Junior High conference made up of select teams from four counties in Central Maryland. All thirteen (13) public middle schools in Frederick County have both boys and girls programs.

Other conference programs include Mt. Airy and FSK (Carroll County), Poolesville (Montgomery County), and Boonsboro, Clear Spring, Smithsburg, and Williamsport (Washington County).

Although not affiliated with the public school system, all teams represent defined middle school draw areas.

For more information regarding the league, here is a link to the league website:

GIRLS - http://mmgirlsbasketball.pointstreaksites.com/view/mmgirlsbasketball/home-page-185

BOYS - http://mmboysbasketball.pointstreaksites.com/view/mmboysbasketball/home-page-170

Urbana typically fields the following Mid-Maryland teams: 5/6th Grade Boys, JV Boys, Varsity Boys, JV Girls, Varsity Girls.

Participating on a Urbana Mid-Maryland Basketball team involves participating in a try-out to determine if your child has the ability to compete in a very competitive and elite middle school basketball league. The time commitment is much more involved than the Recreation league and teams ask that players make basketball their sports priority during the season after their family and school.

The Urbana Basketball Association typically conducts tryouts for their Mid-Maryland teams in October. If you have not had a child register for an Urbana basketball team previously and you would like to stay informed, please join our mailing list on the home page of this website.

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